LED emergency lights are portable devices that are used for dealing with emergency situations such as power outrages and blackouts caused due to hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning, flooding, and blown out street transformers. They are designed for rough use and can withstand shocks and vibrations that may occur while using it in emergencies.
These devices are powered with batteries, which can be used to provide power to an AM or FM radio for keeping users updated on the latest civil and natural emergencies occurring in the local area that might affect power supply. They may also be equipped with a removable LED flashlight and indicator lights that automatically turn on when household power shuts off.
These devices often contain 12-volt batteries that can be fully recharged by connecting it to A/C power sockets for ten to twelve hours. Emergency LED lights can provide power for four to six hours depending on its watt power and usage. Power availability is significantly increased if the battery present inside these devices is replaced with deep cycle batteries used for industrial purposes.
The efficiency of emergency LED lights is defined according to the relation between the light intensity emitted and the electrical current that produce this radiation. The color of LED lights is usually red, green, and yellow-orange those have been standardized by the manufacturers depending on the radiation frequency. However, in case of emergency LED lights, this radiation is not visible, which gives it the color of standard lights used in households.
The only drawback of emergency LED lights is that batteries used in these provide power for a limited duration and need to be recharged, which may not be possible if the power remains unavailable for more than a day. It is better to purchase an emergency LED light that can be connected externally to a car or truck battery.
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